(Production of this device was stopped after Zed-FULL production).
Transponder Programming
This Package can be classified as "Transponder reading" and " Transponder writing"
Transponder Reading
Transponder details are shown as Pin code, Kilometer, VIN and Key number related to type of transponder data, transponder referance and transponder. In order to use this feature, you can click on "read" button in the software, click on the "R" button on the ZED-BULL or use "Read Chip" option in the first row of the main menu.
Transponder writing ( Copying )
This operation can be done in two different options as Manuelly (Entring with Hand) and Copying. Its the possible Writing Manuelly datas on following transponders if you save the datas of the previously coming car.
- Temic 11
- Temic 12
- Megamos 13
- Megamos 14
- Philips 33
- Texas 4C
- Holden Commodore
Eeprom and MCU Aplications
This is one of the main application that has increasingly popularity day after day and is updated the most often. Lets examine this application.
Eeprom is an electronic component that can store and save digital informations inside without need of connection any power supply. Therefore its used in immobilizer units of vehicles and save safety significant informations belonging vehicles.
MCU is a chip like Eeproms but It also has sending and receiving datas, controling other components on the circuit board. Eeprom is in MCU as an integrated.
The most clear differences between them is Eeproms have 8 legs, MCUs can have 28, 52, 64, 112...
Necessary informations like key, pincode are in integrated Eeprom in MCU or an external Eeprom which is replaced on the circuit board.
Why do we need to be read Eeprom and MCU?
MCU and Eeproms have Key and/ or pin code info. These chips are read by programmers (ex. Zed-Prog). You will need a proffesional help to get pin code, important informations from that chips. This profesional help is provided you by Zed-BULL's Eeprom and MCU application.
When do we need to be read Eeproms and MCUs?
Some vehicles may be not have a key programming procedure though OBD. Immobilizer units should be completely changed in case of losing all keys. The solution of this needs long time and cost. But with Zed-BULL's Eeprom and MCU application, the keys recorded in the immobilizer can be programmed again.
Some vehicles can have a procedure for programming through OBD but OBD programmer can be not excist. In this case, Eeprom and MCU application need to be used.
Sometimes Both key programming procedure through OBD and OBD programmer can be excist but you can face the connection problem with Vehicle. In this case, Eeprom and MCU application need to be used.
Sometimes the key programing procedure through OBD can be excist but for this the security code needs to be entre into Vehicle. Eeprom and MCU application need to be used to calculate pincode in case of not excist security code and not being able to get that security code through OBD.
Sometimes coded transponders need to be usued according to VIN of Vehicle to be able to programme, you can obtain this transponders from Services but that can be costly, demanding and also always may not be found. Instead of this you can produce by getting informations from the Eeprom and MCU of the Vehicle, after finding easly coded chips according to the VIN of that Vehicle, for that you need only ZED-BULL Eeprom and MCU applications.
Producing Transponder
Purpose : Transponders can be produced in different group of vehicles by using cheap blank transponders. So that, only groups of transponders can be used for expensive vehicles instead of using for each vehicle.
Important notes
Produced Transponders are the same with coming from Service. Costs will be low due to using blank transponders You will be economised time and money by using only a few group of transponder instead of using for each vehicle different transponder. Produced Transponders are used only to programme through OBD. Not be used for copying or Eeprom applications. Producing Transponder application is located in main menu of ZED-BULL pc software under the producing Transponder title.

Zed-Prog, is a tool to read various types of Eeproms and processors without using Pc software, removing eeprom and MCU(in most occasions). Zed-Prog, reads most of the Zed-BULL Eeprom applications in circuit with a help of reader clips and reads most of the processors(both in circuit or with removal). Biggest advantage of Zed-Prog is; it does not require Pc software to operate, yet another advantage of it is; it does read most of the eeproms and processors in circuit, without removing them off the circuit board. It is faster, easier and more secure to read the eeproms & processors.
Zed-Prog Eeprom Pack(Standart Pack) :
You may program following Eeprom modules of Zed-BULL with the Zed-Prog Eeprom pack; 3, 4, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49, 53, 55, 57, 62, 63, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100. You may see details of the application list HERE.
Zed-Prog PACK 1 (MC68HC05E6) :
You may program modules 8, 50, 51 using this pack. Click HERE for application guide.
Zed-Prog PACK 2 (MC68HC11EA9) :
You may program modules 30, 31, 32 using this pack. Click HERE for application guide.
Zed-Prog PACK 3 (MC68HC(7)05BXX) :
You may program modules 5, 7, 13, 40, 44, 54 , 56, 60, 66 using this pack. Click HERE for application guide.
Zed-Prog PACK 4 (MC9S12DGXXX) :
You may program modules 11, 25, 27, 61, 65, 68 using this pack. Click HERE for application guide.
Zed-Prog PACK 5 (TMS) :
You may program modules 1, 2, 52, 58, 59 using this pack. Click HERE for application guide.
Zed-Prog PACK 6 (64 Pin Motorola) :
You may program modules 9, 10, 41, 47, 64 using this pack. Click HERE for application guide.
Ford - Mazda (OBD E) Cable
- Can be used only with Zed-BULL
- Supports Ford-Mazda vehicle models up to 2012 year
- No required pin code for key programming
- This cable is no longer in production after 2014

VAG (OBD F) Cable
- Can be used only with Zed-BULL
- Supports VAG Group(Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Seat) vehicle models up to 2012 year
- No required pin code for key programming applications, precoding transponder with external antenna is the most important feature of this cable
- This cable is no longer in production after 2014