0.1.36 * When the password is calculated, the password information has been added to the result screen for lost key and key adding applications. * If the key file has been created or when the IR prog menu is opened for create a key file, the calculated password information is added to the screen. 02.02.2022
0.1.35 *Improvements have been made to MB server operations. 01.10.2021
0.1.34 *Improvements have been made to MB server operations. 10.09.2021
0.1.33 *Reading and get password proccees from EZS was improved with ZFH UTE.
*Add key and lost key applications by using server are improved.
*Added new alerts and messages for users.
*Repair feature added for MB keys , that failed during operation and could not be read properly.
*The key repair menu added in MB tools menu.
*W169 lost key application added.
NOTE: IR-PROG version should be 0.10 and above for effective use.
0.1.32 *Language packs updated. 23.07.2019
0.1.31 * EZS W221 option has been added to lost key server operations. 29.05.2019
0.1.30 * EZS W221 option has been added to add key server operations.
* Some improvements were made in Key test menu.
0.1.29 *MB key identification improved. 02.10.2018
0.1.28 The remote analysis menu was developed. 06.09.2018
0.1.27 * W202 – W208 – W210 EZS MB lost key application added.
Note: For current use, plase make ZFH-UTE, OBD module and SD card updates.
The current version should be at least for ZFH-UTE (1.4) , OBD (1.3.20) and SD kart (0.3.30).
0.1.26 * MB key addition application developed.* Credit and package issues have been fixed.* Log information for user transactions has been expanded. 16.07.2018
0.1.25 -General Update 06.07.2018
0.1.24 * Added the key test menu as the 5th option in the MB main menu for the key you want to test for operability.
* EZS W166 added to key loss operations.* The ZFH-MBCA cable has been added to the menu description for use.
* LOG operations have been developed for MB / IR-PROG server applications.* MB server connection operations were developed.
* MB menu items were edited. Note: For current use, update your SD card.
Note: For current use, update your SD card.
0.1.23 * If one of the running key is an EA / BE key in MB key addition operations , the name of the operation menu to be used has been changed
to ZFH-UTE (EA / BE Key). The process was accelerated. *As the 6th operation option in the key addition menu, ZFH-UTE updated
with eligible EZS list feature for faster operation via EZS.. *EZS list according to the menu content and process options was updated.
Note: For current use, update your ZFH-UTE * ZFH-UTE version should be at least 1.3 and above.
0.1.22 *During key addition through server ,corrections and enhancements have been made for the cases where error code 166 has arrived.
*LOG operations have been developed for MB / IR-PROG applications. Note: For current use, update your IR-PROG.
* IR-PROG version should be at least 8 and above.
0.1.21 * As a key addition option added for W216, W212 (old), W212 (new) and W246 EZS via the server with the ZFH-UTE.
*During key addition through server ,corrections and enhancements have been made for the cases where error code 166 has arrived.
*EZS module list was updated for C09 and ZFH-MB options at add key via server.*User messages in the MB / IR prog menu have been updated.
0.1.20 * If at least one of the keys are EA / BE key running the car ;key addition option was added with using ZFH-UTE , without needing a server
password scan. * Added power option to run EZS / EIS attools menu in MB / IR-PROG. Note: For current use, update your ZFH-UTE and SD card.
** ZFH-UTE version should be at least 1.2 and above.
0.1.19 Fast password finding feature added in the process you will do with the same SSID for a previously founded add key or lost key application.
Password calculate has been improved.
0.1.18 * Added EZS 212 (new) as lost key application.* 212-246-216 EZS during with ZFH-UTE operation , EZS / EIS and ZFH-UTE as notification in case
of interruption of communication marked warning screen (red text-image frame) and 1 second audio alert was added.
*Audio alert was added as a declaration in server password scan as successfull for lost keys.
CLASS ML W164 changed to CLASS ML W164 (old) on the add key menu
Note: In order to use the latest changes; make your Mainboard, OBD, and SD card updates
0.1.17 + If the car has W204, W207, W212 , W216 or W246 EZSs and all keys lost then you can calculate Password and can generate a new key.
* You must have MER-IRP01 package to use this application. ** You must have C09 Universal Adapter , ZFH-MCA , ZFH-UTE and Zed-NET
( for Server Connection) to use this aplication. *** Please update ZFH-UTE firmware using Zed-FULL PC software ( Latest version is 1.1 ).
0.1.16 -General Update 22.01.2018
0.1.15 -General Update 08.01.2018
0.1.14 + If the car has a working key (BGA or NEC ) of readable with IR-Prog then you can calculate Password and generate new key,
using Server Connection. – Supports data acquisition from OBD for W169, W246, W203, W204, W207,W210,W211,W212,W215, W216,W209,W164,W906,
W639(K-LINE) and W639 (CAN-BUS) for now. – Supports data acquisition with C09 Cable ( to work on desktop ) for W169, W246, W203, W204, W207,W210,
W211 ,W212,W215, W216,W209,W164,W906, W639 (K-LINE) and W639 (CAN) for now.
– Supports data acquisition with ZFH-MB for all EZS types . * You must have MER-IRP01 package to use this application.
** You must have Zed-NET and ZFH-MCA to use this application.*** Please update IR-PROG firmware using Zed-FULL PC software (Latest version is 07).
0.1.13 – Analysis sections have been added for Peugeot-Citroen Remotes in Remote Analysis Menu. 18.12.2017
0.1.12 -General Update 24.11.2017
0.1.11 – Analysis sections have been added for BMW E Series; 315 MHz , 868 MHz and Fiat Linea HCS412 Remotes in Remote Analysis Menu.
– W211_HC12-06S and W215_W220-J74Y reading options have been added for MB-IR PROG Module.
0.1.10 – Remote Application in MB-IR PROG Read-Erese Menu has been improved. 06.09.2017
0.1.09 -Remote Analaysis Menu (in Remote Menu) has been updated.
( This Menu has sections that They are Mercedes-315 MHz, Mercedes-434 MHz, Fiat Delphi PCF7946, Fiat M.Marelli PCF7946, Opel Vectra C-434 MHz,
Opel Astra H-434 MHz, Opel Corsa D-434 MHz,Renault PCF7946(1-BTN), Renault PCF7946(2-BTN), Renault PCF7946(2/3 BTN), Renault Clio 4,
Renault Fluence, Renault Laguna 2, Renault Megane 2, Renault Megane 3, Renault Symbol Hitag AES, Saab PCF7946-434 MHz, Chrysler 315 MHz,
Nissan PCF7946 and Nissan Juke) -Key Tools Menu has been added in MB IR-PROG Tools MENU.(You can program new key using Key Eeprom File
that it is transferred from PC . and you can copy EA/BE Key ) -Mercedes Remote Definition Section has been added in MB-IR PROG “Program”
Menu and “Read and Erase” Menu.
0.1.08  – French Language has been added for MB IR-PROG Menu.
– Polish,French,German,Greek and Russian Languages have been added for ZED-FULL REMOTE Menu.
– Remote Analysis Submenu added into the REMOTE Menu. (You can see Remote Datas on ZED-FULL screen with Remote Analysis Menu for Mercedes
315-434 Mhz, FIAT PCF7946 , OPEL Vectra C , OPEL Astra H , Chrysler 315 MHz, Nissan NR109 , Nissan Juke , Renault RNR125 , Renault Clio 4 and
Renault PCF7947 remotes).
– Italian Language has been added for Zed-FULL MB IR-PROG menu.- Tools menu has been added in Zed-FULL MB IR-PROG menu.
(In this menu has KEY HASH and PASSWORD data showing sections that they are within ZFH-MB sub-section. )
– The needful functions has ben addeed for Toyota Key Reading within Zed-FULL Key Menu.
– Reading option has been added for EZS W639 -J74Y ( QFP64). – General notice messages has been edited.
0.1.05 – Kayıp Anahtar durumunda ZFH-MB ile anahtar oluşturma seçeneği eklendi. (IR-PROG Versiyon 04 ve ZFH-MB Versiyon 01.04 ile birlikte artık HC908
tabanlı W203,W220 veya HC12 tabanlı W209,W211 EZS’lerden Password alınabiliyor. Böylece belirtilen EZS tiplerinin ekserisinde sadece
ZFH-MB kullanarak yeni anahtar oluşturulabilecek. İster aracın tüm anahtarları kayıp olsun ister herhangi bir versiyonda anahtara sahip olsun.)
– Oku ve Sil menüsüne motorola adaptör ile okuma seçeneği eklendi. (Motorola anahtar işlemcisini adaptörle okumak için)
– German and Portuguese Languages have been added for Zed-FULL MB-IR Prog menu. – Key activating option has ben added to ‘Program Menu’.
– Error log has been added for MB IR-Prog. – SKC Data Backup has been added for received by ZFH-MB .
– Spanish Language has been added for MB-IR Prog menu .
– Selectable list of NEC (51/57) and Motorola keys prosesors has been added to recieve password to ‘Add Key’ prosses.
– Removed prosesor type tab from the key defination screen.
0.1.02 – ‘Read(Use NEC Adapter)’ option added to ‘ Main menu > MB IR-PROG > Program > Add Key ‘
– Special amendments for IR-Prog Software Version 02 – General amendments – ‘ZFH-MB Update’ in ‘MB IR-PROG > Version’ removed.
0.1.01 -Generating of Mercedes Benz EA and OEM Key(Package MER-IRP01). -Erasing of Mercedes Benz OEM Key(Package MER-IRP02). 30.07.2015
0.1.00 -General Update 22.07.2015
0.0.12 -Frequency module has been updated. -The problem in alert tone was solved. 20.05.2015
0.0.11 – Remote menus have been updated.- Remote key menu has been removed from main menu 10.01.2014
0.0.10 -Remote menus have prepared on the basis of continents which is in settings segment. -Spanish and Czech languages have added. 28.11.2013
0.0.09 -Remote menus have prepared on the basis of continents which is in settings segment. -Spanish and Czech languages have added. 26.11.2013
0.0.08 Reading data have enhanced for 46 type FIAT remotes 23.09.2013
0.0.07 -Saving log file for all Remote Module applications and sending via Pc software.
-Cloning Fiat remotes with 46 transponder(pcf7946/47) onto IEA production emulator 3 (yellow color PCB) with the pc software.
-Instructions for applications are updated.
0.0.06 Some problem is solved in remote generate menu. There is no any new proses. 03.07.2013
0.0.05 -Control Generate menu tab on the vehicle controls: -2 Button, 3 button Linea, Bravo, Alfaremeo147, Ducato, Jumper, Boxer, Lancia, Bravo
48 chip remote encoding can be made.
0.0.43 – 48 transponder based Fiat car remote clonning updated. English menus updated. 22.04.2013
0.0.4 – Credit system implemented for Remote clonning and remote generating onto emulator. 09.04.2013
0.0.3 – Remote Board communication updated. 22.03.2013
0.0.2 – Frequencymeter improved. – 48 based Fiat remote cloning software implemented. 15.03.2013